Local Place Plan

What is a Local Place Plan?

“Local Place Plans offer communities the opportunity to develop proposals for their local area, expressing their aspiration and ambitions for future change”


Most importantly Local Place Plans are produced by the community.

They focus on the community’s proposals for the development and use of land and provide a new opportunity for communities to feed into the planning system with ideas and proposals.

Local Place Plans are more than just a plan:

  • They can help communities understand what they want to be like in the future and help to develop a positive community identity.
  • They can help develop local connections and collaborations and develop community capacity and improve social capital.
  • They can support community aspirations on the big challenges for a future Scotland, such as responding to the global climate emergency and tackling inequalities.
  • They are an opportunity for real, community-based change.

Why do we need a Local Place Plan?

The main purpose of preparing a local plan is to inform the local development plan by putting forward ideas and proposals, including uses for specific sites and buildings.
North Ayrshire Council are in the process of preparing a new local development plan, LDP3, which will allocate land for development and shape how places will change over the next 10-15 years. In the process of preparing LDP3, they are required to take into account registered local place plans.

In addition to informing LDP3, local place plans may support collaborative approaches to achieving better outcomes for people, communities and places that go beyond planning and the local development plan.
By starting with a shared understanding of a place – including its people, services and assets – ideas and projects that improve outcomes and create more successful places can be developed and delivered.”

North Ayrshire Council

What happens next?

As a constituted “community Body”, Skelmorlie Environment Trust, in partnership with the Community Council, have proposed that we prepare and submit the Local Place Plan on behalf of the Community.

We have formerly registered our “Expression of Interest” to produce a Skelmorlie LPP with North Ayrshire Council, so the real work starts now.

The success of a good LPP is Community engagement.

This will start with a simple conversation with as many members of the community as possible and asks for their views, aspirations and comments on all aspects of the village.

We aim to undertake extensive community engagement and consultation through a variety of methods (such as surveys, face-to-face conversations, and questionnaires) to inform the development of the Skelmorlie LPP.

There was an initial deadline for producing the LPP of 30th June 2024 however we understand this deadline will be pushed back until November 2024.

What might a Local Place Plan look like?

In North Ayrshire West Kilbride Community Council have already produced a Local Place Plan.

 More information on Local Place Plans are available.

North Ayrshire Council are producing a “Local Place Plan: handbook for communities in North Ayrshire” which is currently in draft form, but we will share when it is formally adopted.

How can I keep informed?

Sign up for our newsletter, attend the monthly Community Council meetings which SET will now be attending regularly and keep an eye on local social media pages for regular updates and events. 

News about Local Place Plan