North to South Pathway Cleared

Skelmorlie Nature Festival closed with a volunteer day at The Crescent, welcoming Scottish Wildlife Trust – Ayrshire to help. In total we had 23 volunteers who helped us do a phenomenal amount of work, to clear a path North to South through The Crescent.

Results of the volunteer day

The voluteers did a tremendous amount of work. The new path goes all of the way from north to south or vice versa! This gives us a beautiful 8 minute walk in the centre of the village… although watch out for the burn in the middle! Next project plan – some bridge building?

This has been completely inacessible for many years, and is now open for Skelmorlie to enjoy!

We’ve had some great feedback from people in the village using the pathway, happy to include this new walk in their daily lives!

Thank YOU!

A massive thank you to the support from Scottish Wildlife Turst Ayrshire and all of our wonderful volunteers.

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