Remember to use headings throughout your text to make it read nicely on small screens, and help search engines understand your content better. Good headings used logically makes all the difference to both your SEO score and readability. It allows users to skim read and choose whether they want to read in more detail.
Heading 1
Reserved for the page title only. Should never be used on a general page/post.
Heading 2
This heading is for the most important topics on the page. The rest of the headings should be used for subtopics.
Heading 3
Intelligentsia food truck +1 ethical cold-pressed. Kickstarter cray air plant meggings adaptogen, keytar fashion axe austin palo santo food truck keffiyeh. Lomo offal meh direct trade. Butcher seitan coloring book adaptogen selfies forage prism try-hard semiotics iPhone mumblecore succulents lomo pabst edison bulb.
Heading 4
Intelligentsia food truck +1 ethical cold-pressed. Kickstarter cray air plant meggings adaptogen, keytar fashion axe austin palo santo food truck keffiyeh. Lomo offal meh direct trade. Butcher seitan coloring book adaptogen selfies forage prism try-hard semiotics iPhone mumblecore succulents lomo pabst edison bulb.
Heading 5
Intelligentsia food truck +1 ethical cold-pressed. Kickstarter cray air plant meggings adaptogen, keytar fashion axe austin palo santo food truck keffiyeh. Lomo offal meh direct trade. Butcher seitan coloring book adaptogen selfies forage prism try-hard semiotics iPhone mumblecore succulents lomo pabst edison bulb.
Heading 6
Intelligentsia food truck +1 ethical cold-pressed. Kickstarter cray air plant meggings adaptogen, keytar fashion axe austin palo santo food truck keffiyeh. Lomo offal meh direct trade. Butcher seitan coloring book adaptogen selfies forage prism try-hard semiotics iPhone mumblecore succulents lomo pabst edison bulb.
“Savvy Section heading” blocks should be used to help in place of the standard heading block when you need a section to stand out with more emphasis. You can observe how these have been used on the Our Vision page to make it readable and impactful.
- Point 1
- Point 2
- Point 1
- Point 2
I am a block quote which you can also use as a way of emphasising different text.
by Me.
I am a verse Which means you can use seperate lines Without introducing spaceing between them. I'm good for things such as addresses etc.
Important links which are inviting the user to take action should use the button block. This gives you nice brand-friendly bold buttons.
Column 1
Columns can be used to help break up the text and make it more readable.
Column 2
Neutra quinoa kitsch dreamcatcher slow-carb 8-bit letterpress. Bushwick bicycle rights gastropub brooklyn banjo ramps tousled tbh gochujang 3 wolf moon venmo heirloom PBR&B portland. Williamsburg sriracha scenester gentrify vegan tacos farm-to-table tumblr bitters plaid hella before they sold out selvage subway tile keffiyeh.
Column 3
Neutra quinoa kitsch dreamcatcher slow-carb 8-bit letterpress. Bushwick bicycle rights gastropub brooklyn banjo ramps tousled tbh gochujang 3 wolf moon venmo heirloom PBR&B portland. Williamsburg sriracha scenester gentrify vegan tacos farm-to-table tumblr bitters plaid hella before they sold out selvage subway tile keffiyeh.
Media Blocks
These can be used to display text in different ways to break up the content nicely. Some examples here but play about with this yourselves.
Media & Text Blocks
These are handy for making nice layouts for your pages!
Media Blocks & Columns
These can be combined to give different layouts.
Column 1 – with media block
Column 2 – with media block
Column 1 – media block – text over image
Media Block
Aligned Right
Heading | Heading | Heading | Heading |
Info | Info | Info | Info |
Info | Info | Info | Info |
Info | Info | Info | Info |
Info | Info | Info | Info |
Footer | Footer | Footer | Footer |
All the eco savvy icons can be placed on the page wherever suits by using the “Savvy Icon” block. In this example, I’ve placed them in a column and made sure that the row is aligned to the middle. You can change the size of the icon to suit where you have used it.
This can also be placed in a column where appropriate. Having a button is optional, in this example there is no button.