S.E.T Monday 29/11/22 The Egg

Present Nick, Naomi, Marie, Tom, Rachel, JackieApologies:Lucy. Melody. Nick, Andrew


Bank AccountMost ethical Bank available to community groups with no Charity Status and income is Virgin.  Will use this as a current account for 1 year and then reviewNo better banks provide the serviceAgreed that we could make reference to this gap in the market for banking on any SM we do. Naomi to look into Virgin AccountLow threshold to open
ConstitutionNick has rustled up a pre-cooked constitution and changed some of the wording to reflect our group. All group members agreed to get the constitution drafted up. Constitution can be amended at AGM’sNick to send round the doc and everyone to have added changes by Sunday 04
Project PlanContinue to engage with council- look into our obligations/liability as people who are “actively” changing something on council owned land. Agreed that council are the landowners- Continue monthly clearances Hire a chipperCreate paths with already existing Rhoddie Logs and then use chip mulch to make the paths.Take photos to advertiseNeed to start this process before new habitats are formed. Should help to see what the space will look like from thereIDEAS- First Sunday in Spring-Event Easter huntCommunications: Website landing page, content that doesn’t need updating but can link to SM and make the group legit. Think of ways to expand the group in spring to bring in more people Community education events etBring in some funds
Rachel to look at fundsNaomi- Webstite 
Nick to look into Jewson’s Chipper hireNick contact with Tree surgeon who could donate a lend to a community group

Kelly Glen

Tom has had contact with tree geneolgist working on Bute interested in age/genus and history of some tracts of woodland in the Kelly Glen: Hopefully he will do a species inventory
Some indicators that KellyGlen is linked to ancient woodland in Bute and Portencross as unique in the area. 
Discussion about how we can link in with this connect with wider groupsWOODLAND TRUST etc to develop the wood, increase knowledge of it’s value in the community
Signs to highlight special interestPaths preservation

Tom to keep posted with species inventory
Wider Engagement Nick and Rachel to attend New Year Community council meetingNick to keep abreast of other community news and Locality planning 

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