Skelmorlie Wellbeing and Nature Festival & Public Meeting

04 June 2024
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
MeetingsSkelmorlie Nature Festival


We have been busy doing some further organising of the Festival, on the basis that we are successful with the funding application made to National Lottery on 7th May.

Update on funding application

National Lottery have been in touch as they review the application and seek some points of clarification. The majority of time and effort has been placed on contacting potential activity providers and gauging their interests in participating in the event.

Initial contact has also been made with local venues, design and printing suppliers for branding and promotional materials and reaching out to others who have run similar festivals in the past.

Upcoming Engagements

We’ve organised information sessions for activity providers and the local community.

Monday 27th May, we have a meeting with North Ayrshire Council, who are looking to support the proposed Festival. As well as this, we will attend the Skelmorlie Community Council to update on our plans.

Wednesday 29th May, we are holding an online information session with potential activity providers to talk through the approach for the Festival and answer initial questions they might have.

Tuesday 4th June, there is an open meeting 7-8pm at Skelmorlie Tennis Club for local organisations and the general public to come along and find out more.

Activity Providers

Approximately, 40-50 potential activity providers have shown an interest in the festival, and many of them will be coming along to the event on 29th May. This includes nature and wildlife organisations, sports and wellbeing organisations, as well as a range of freelance providers.

As a few examples, we have been talking with Woodland Wakeup, Surfers Against Sewage, Drum 4UR Life, Green Tangerine, Treetop Rocks, Wander and Wonder, Bute Forest, Breath and Believe Yoga, Thru Decades, Scottish Wildlife Trust – Ayrshire, 9 Waves Tai Chi, Movement in Thyme and Forest Therapy Scotland.

Get Involved

We looking to involve groups and individuals from the local community in the planning and running of the Festival. Please get in touch if you are keen to be part of the experience! You can come along to the session at Skelmorlie Tennis Club, or contact us to express your interest or have a chat.

We’ll give a further update once we hear about the funding application.

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